“Let Our Success be Your Success”
We grew up in the Wire & Cable industry. We have witnessed first hand its ups and downs, its trials and tribulations, its good times and bad. We have followed its mergers, acquisitions, consolidations, LBO’s, plant start-ups and liquidations. Since 1967 we have tracked the success and sometimes demise of industry companies. Their degree of success or lack thereof customarily goes hand-in-hand with the qualifications of those behind the wheel. We have known most of its leaders and key players during those times. We observed their results. We kept performance reports. We chronicled which ones made the difference. Some were flash in the pans. Others never stopped achieving. We learned that the history of yesterday could repeatedly forecast the success of tomorrow.Let our success be your success. It is often said that history has a way of repeating itself. Our expertise is the identification of industry professionals who have a history of achievement, a history of determining their company’s success.
Our recruiting procedure incorporates the evaluation of our database containing information compiled on thousands of industry professionals you may consider for the following positions:
Our profession is the identification of a company’s most important resource, its human resources. Our consulting methodology is a reflection of the philosophy and ideals of our principals:
Services performed include: